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Friday, January 6, 2012

Therefore. . .

While on Christmas break, I found myself watching the food channel late one night.

Since I couldn't get to sleep - or so I thought - I was listening to the announcer describe why a certain recipe was going to win:
  • It is succulent with a hint of pepper;
  • But it is not harshly bold with the heat;
  • Therefore. . .
Honestly, that was the last word I remember from the description!  I fell asleep and dreamed of "therefore."

What if we don't finish all the tasks that we set before ourselves, describing them in fine detail, rich in colorful language, and bristling with hope and then get to the "therefore" and everyone else turns us off.

I'm sure that the dish prepared that night tasted good to someone. It gave someone the nourishmnet that they needed.  But, I didn't!  I turned it off right after the completion of the description when the chef said "therefore."  My imagination did not fill in the blank.

I believe that we do that in the church as we listen to plans, hopes, dreams, and fiascos. We put our own "therefore" before those who are engaged in the work of ministry have a completed effect to show or share.

I really missed that chocolate shrimp mousse with a hint of curry that night.  Actually, I'm glad I did miss that one; but I have also missed the sublime creations of culinery artists that make your mouth water when you even see them.  Glad I don't have "smell-a-vision."

In our hunger to get where we're going (my case to sleep) do we let the "therefore" be the final word and miss the rest of the creation unfolding around us?

I think I'll listen a little more carefully when things are "mixing up."  The results could be interesting.  I know the ingredients were, but what about the outcome?

I wonder where these crumbs came from? 
 Must have been a hurried up cook getting
ahead of those who wouldn't let him/her finish.

Brother Simeon